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Slip ‘N Slides and Water Balloons

Summer days call for creative ways to cool off .  Splash pads, water slides, water bombs, balloons…Who doesn’t love a good water fight. I love running around the backyard with our Granddaughter, armed with a water gun and ready to gang up on Poppy. Hannah has been known to say “Is that all you got?”
I overheard a little boy say, “Whoa … I just love slip ‘n slides.” He was so excited that he was opening his gift before his mom could say wait till we get home. He wanted to experience all his special gift had to offer right away.

We receive many gifts in life.  These gifts are means to enhancing our everyday experiences. What gifts have you received? What gifts have you opened right away and enjoyed it to its fullest. Or have you left the gift to one side waiting for just the right time only to discover that today is the right time.

Scripture reminds us that…

“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”
James 1:17 – New American Standard Bible
God gifts us with everything right at the perfect time. let’s not miss out on the gift and open it right away.

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