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Is it possible to just be me? Certainly! The idea of “just being yourself” can be both liberating and confusing.  In carrying a conversation with one man

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I Feel Peace Here

I am learning that there are people everywhere that feel disconnected but who are still seeking spiritual meaning, purpose and community. So in meeting people

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On The Level

Have you ever tried to hang pictures in your home?  I confess I am a person who likes to eyeball  the straightness of a picture. 

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The Emptiness of Easter

Have you ever found an empty Easter egg? If so, it was probably a mistake. Someone was filling eggs with surprises and candy and just

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The Beautiful Empty

We live in a world that encourages us to fill our lives with as much as possible, whether with possessions, experiences, or relationships. Besides that,

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Catching the Rhythm

I want you to imagine this scene in your mind; A seasoned surfer, skillfully riding the waves, perfectly attuned to the rhythm of the ocean.

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Come and See

Have you ever discovered something amazing that you just couldn’t wait to show your friends or family? Some hidden treasure, old photo, or let’s be

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A Step of Faith

There is  a story that’s well known… When Peter steps out of the boat and tries to walk to Jesus. Peter takes a singular step of

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Broken but Beautiful

We are Broken but God’s Purpose is Beautiful It’s incredible to read about how God formed us. He didn’t speak mankind into existence like the

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Prayer Request
