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Pick Me, Pick Me

“Pick me, Pick me”.  I could hear the tulips in my front garden calling to me,.
So…I carefully looked and picked what I thought would be the best. The best to give me the most long lasting bloom. The best to brighten the lockdown spaces and the best to bring a little ray of hope to my weary heart.  Meticulously snipping each stem to perfection, I added water and put them in a prominent place so that I could see the blooms.
Rom.1:6 – And you are among the chosen ones who received the call to belong to Jesus, the Anointed One. The wealth of the glory of God’s inheritance is you! In fact, you are the hidden treasure in this world. He chose you because you are a pearl of great price.

You are chosen by God because he wants you.  God doesn’t seek out the perfect flower for His garden.  It doesn’t matter if I am weary, sad or lonely. It doesn’t matter if I am prosperous, bright or beautiful. God doesn’t scout out strengths or weaknesses to pick the best of the best. God simply loves unconditionally. He has chosen me simply to be His Child and to represent hope to others.

He loved you before time began. He chose you to give you hope. He chose you to be His representative in the garden of life. And He chose you to bloom and bloom big for all to see.

So Remember…

You are Loved! You are Chosen! You are Unique! You are Beautiful! Bloom where you are in the Garden of Life! Be blessed my friends!

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