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More Than a Number

I have never been a number persons.  Ask anyone around me and they will confirm that math or counting  is not my strong suit. I just dont do well with numbers.  And even when I think I got it right somehow it turns out wrong.
I recall growing up in school sports dreading that moment when the team leader had to pick people for a team. I never got picked as number one or number two…. it was always number 10 or 12 or the very last person picked. Even back then, it wasnt about which number I was, it was about being part of a team. The teams goal was to be the best that we could possibly be working together rather  than being picked first or last.
Today, years later it is still more than a number even though my age number is climbing. Unless of course its to qualify for the seniors discount. (but I’m still way to young for that)
Numbers don’t define who I am or what I represent. My life is defined by my relationship with Jesus Christ and how my life impacts others. My reactions or actions should not centre around how I feel about a number but about how I want to impact and reach the world for Jesus. It is not about a number but about a team working together to accomplish the main goal.
No one number can do it alone but as a team, dreams can be realized. I am a unique individual with more to offer than just a number. I believe it is about time we stop resigning to our “place” and start acting on our potential.
There are thousands of descriptive words out there that do a better job of explaining who I am than numbers. I will not fall victim to being a number. I want to be more than that and work together as a team.

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