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I Feel Peace Here

I am learning that there are people everywhere that feel disconnected but who are still seeking spiritual meaning, purpose and community. So in meeting people and listening to their stories, I have discovered the art of listening well. In turn, the cultivating of meaningful connections brings great joy.

As a church community it is becoming more evident that our space is welcoming and inviting. One person commented, “When I walk through these doors, I simply love how it makes me feel.”
“I have such a peace here in this place. I receive encouragement and joy and I just want to keep coming back”. “I am at home in my church” “This is where I belong” “This place makes me feel at home”.

Listening has become a very practical step both inside and outside of the church. It involves sharing stories, building relationships with the people around you. Listening involves reading scripture together. Its sitting at the tables in the welcome space and helping friends with resumes and job searches. Listening helps me to learn to shift the conversation and invite people to join in the work God is in doing in this church.

Each step of the journey that has taken place is dependant upon prayer. God is at the center of this process and as a church we are led into deeper connections with one another and our neighbours.
I believe that there are new forms of Christian community taking shape in our most inviting and welcoming space. I believe that together, we are finding new ways to be the church in the twenty-first century.

Just maybe God is inviting you and I to create more time in our lives to get to know others. Just maybe God is inviting you and I  to build more intentional relationships.

And just maybe God is saying, “Okay its time to listen to people’s stories, to hear about the peace that they have and, in turn, invite other people to know that peace too.

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