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Basketball & Biscuits – A Place of Hope

Have you ever been in a seemingly hopeless situation, where  you didn’t know the way out? Maybe it was:
  • A report from a doctor that gave no real hope.
  • A financial catastrophe where you were on the brink of collapse.
  • Insert your seemingly hopeless situation here
I love our safe place at “Cafe Connection” where a person  can come, have a free coffee and/or  tea and gather around the tables. 
Today there were belly laughs reverbarating right through the building, there was a lesson on coco beans, and yes competition in the foyer as pool was played and our newest addition of the arcade basketball game was put to good use.   Many of our friends from the food bank are learning that its good to pop in and have a coffee.
Competition after competition between people brought fun and laughter and smiles to peoples faces.  It helped to forget about that seemingly hopeless situation that just may have been part of peoples lives.  The throw of the basketball as the buzzer went helped to determine just who got the most baskets.  It was so close…..  One of our friends said, “that the lady with the black hair is going to play a basketball game with me”.  He was so proud of that connection and had multiple games and he turned to me with a grin on his face. “This is so much fun”! 
Thats the connection that this safe space brings.  Whatever it takes to create a fun filled church atmosphere where people can know hope.   Hope can be shown in many ways.  For me today it was the sound of the swoosh through the net building relationships one at a time.  And if thats all it takes to put a smile on a persons face then I’m game.

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