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The Amazing Rescue

Now, I don’t know about you, but when I look in the mirror, I often see my own sin, my own brokenness, and I think to myself, “Why on earth would God love me?” But that’s one of the most crucial factors in God’s display of love: He loved us even though we were broken and sinful.

Paul makes a note here that it would be hard enough for us to die for someone who is upright, righteous, thinks like us, acts like us, or one of our friends. But a sinner? Who wants nothing to do with you? That’s a different story. But, it’s our story.

When Jesus Christ came down from heaven to save us, the timing was just right, as Paul says. He came down right in the middle of chaos on earth. The Romans were in control of the Jews, and the Jews were anxiously awaiting the arrival of a conquering messiah to save them.

However, when Jesus rolled on the scene, He looked different than they thought He would. He acted differently than they thought He would, Why? Because he was coming to save His people from a greater issue than Roman oppression and occupation: Jesus came to save them from sin and death.

Paul says in Romans that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. We were chasing after temporary highs, and we wanted nothing to do with God. Some of us thought we were following Him closely, but we were not.

The point being that, like Paul on the road to torture and kill Christians, God shows up in the midst of our sin and offers us salvation.

It’s Christ’s story of redemption.

Romans chapter 5:8

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

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