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Love and Calories

“I am so grateful for some food for my family and now it’s time for coffee”, he exclaimed as he walked through the open doors of our church building pumping his arms exclaiming “Coffee time”   The conversation continued as he was served coffee and he says, “You can’t beat Love and Calories”. That got me thinking…


What does that look like?   For me, it’s a free cup of coffee, tea or a bottle of water coupled with some sweet surprises – you got it – calories because we know that anything that tastes really good has calories.  It’s listening to the stories! Its laughing together and maybe even shedding a tear together.


As people gather around the tables it gives the volunteers opportunities to listen and be engaged in their stories. Some of the stories are heartbreaking yet they are received with love mixed with laughter and sometimes tears.  We are conscious that we serve coffee in a church building where we can say, “This is our church, and we invite you to be part of our family here at The Salvation Army”.


As he and his wife left Cafe Connection, he exclaimed “Yup Love and calories – that’s what I’m taking away from here today”. We hope that love has been expanded as Jesus puts Christian caring into personal terms—the gift of a cup of water from one person to another. What a simple gift Jesus speaks of here! As his followers, we are not called to do extraordinary things beyond our power or capability. We are asked to give the simple things that anyone can offer to another.


Jesus invites us to be holy hands as part of extending His grace to others.


And thats what makes Cafe Connection so special!!!

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