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God Moment and a Bag of Carrots

Every time I think of you I thank God for you. I have joy in my heart every time I ask God to help you. I thank God for the joy we share in telling the good news from the very first day until now. Every time I think of you I thank God for you. From the moment since I have woken up you all have been on my heart and in my prayers and I prayed for God’s covering over all of you today. Philippians 1:3-5

I walked over to my corner store to pick up some groceries and as I walked and talked to God my spirit one with Him was filled with Joy and Peace. The precious God moments I had at the grocery store this morning, how God draws us onto each other when our hearts are open to His whispering.

I went to get a bag of carrots and a gentleman was near me, I could feel the brush of the Holy Spirit as this man stood near me to get some vegetables, I said to him” Sir, just think we won’t need to be concerned about prices and vegetables when we get to Heaven.”

I told him my soul is saved and I’m going to Heaven, I asked him if he was saved and he said “Yes madam, I am a Reverend,” and I said “Praise God”. We talked and shared how we must go into the world to tell others of this great love of God, he said to me “Keep up the great work”. We smiled and said to each other “God bless.”

A God moment over a bag of carrots.

This blog is shared by permission from a Church Member.

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