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Over the Christmas season Donette and I indulged and watched the new Disney movie called, “Soul”. We found ourselves toe tapping to the jazz music.

Constantly throughout the movie, reference was made to finding ones spark and ones purpose in life. It encouraged one to reflect on ones life to help a person to have insight into ones own personal journey. It encouraged gratitude as well as to find ones own “inner spark”. It encouraged one to find ones purpose and might I say even mission in life.

We are created to be like Christ, to grow up in Him, to mature, and to keep His Spirit afresh in our lives.

God has wired us in a unique way so that we can serve. It’s His Spirit that lights the spark in us. It’s His Spirit that helps us find our mission and ministry.

Jesus said, “[Father,] in the same way you gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world.” John 17:18.

Every believer needs a ministry.

Every believer needs a mission.

If we want To live a spark filled life filled with purpose we must seek God’s mission. Well, what is the Mission of God? God’s mission is bringing lost children back to Jesus. That is what God cares about.

Paul said, “The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus Christ gave me.” Acts 20:24. And what is that work? To tell people the good news about God’s love.

SO, what are you going to do about it?

When I was a much younger man, I joked that I wanted this epitaph on my headstone…”I TOLD you I was sick!”…I know… I know…GROAN!!

Many years later and hopefully much more mature in my thinking, I now have changed that saying.

The Bible says, “David served God’s purpose in his own generation.”

That’s now what I want for my epitaph – that when I pass from this life, I want people to say, “He served God’s purpose in his generation.”

What do you want people to say about you?

Are we too distracted from God’s purpose for us by other people, plans, programs, pressures, and problems. This can cause us to lose the inner spark hence forfeiting purposes for which we were created.

So what is your inner spark? What does that even mean for us? And how is that translated into your journey today? What is your purpose in the mission today?

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