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Come and Dine

Sunday morning surprise – It seems that an animal of some sort got into closed shed last night knocking the sunflower seed out of the sealed compost bin. So Ken and I are watching Chirpy and Chippy (named by our granddaughter Hannah a few years back) stuff their mouths with seeds.   I’m not sure if there the same chipmunks but two chipmunks are always hanging around.  This morning with shed doors wide open Chirpy and Chippy were delighted.  These two little chipmunks were quite intentional on gathering as many seeds as possible.   They think they have hit the motherload. Their cheeks couldn’t really expand much more. I kind of chuckled as I watched them take the same path across the deck to their hiding place. They would even stop, look up and grin.

The chipmunks upon discovery that the seeds had been cleaned up looked a little despondent. They possibly said to themselves, “Like, seriously guys, where did our motherload go?”

As I watched them go back and forth feasting on the table spread of seeds, I was reminded that Gods table spread of blessings is always available. We don’t have to wait for unforeseen circumstances to be part of our lives. We don’t have to wait for God to make his blessings readily available it already is!  And His blessings never end!

Let’s live life simply and see all the blessings God has in His storehouse today. God has a table spread of blessings and He invites you and I to “Come and Dine” and fill our hearts to overflowing.

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