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A Christmas Kettle Miracle

Christmas time is here. The air has changed with the season, and we know it’s getting closer.
And with Christmas is the iconic red kettle that helps raised funds for the most vulnerable in our communities.  Days can be long and with less kettle volunteers – very taxing.
One kettle shift I was feeling tired. but then a miracle happened.
At the end of a long day one little boy can make it all worthwhile. He ran up to me with open arms (social distancing of course) and said, “I have two dollars for a candy, but can you give it to Jesus for me and tell him Merry Christmas when you see him “. I smiled through my eyes, and he smiled back at me. My heart was stirred . If only us adults could think like this little boy and give up our wants to wish “Jesus” a Merry Christmas and to help food insecurity in our community.
In moments like these that brightens faces and makes Christmas Miracles happen.
If you like to be part of a Christmas Miracle then…
Why not Tip Tap Pay at a Christmas Kettle in your local community or donate online at, call 905-550-7238 to make a secure phone donation, drop off a cheque at 710 McQuay Blvd  in Whitby

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