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“Times they are a changing” has never been more true. This is no less true for the church in the present day. We have found ourselves moving from in-person worship, social distancing visits, lockdowns and continuously changing to keep people safe. Instead of the soft sounds of voices gathering for Prayer before a Church Service, now there is new technology, new space, new ways of doing things which sometimes lends itself to… “I can’t see you. You’re muted, there you are, I can see you now.” …… We all had with mixed feelings how a zoom gathering for prayer would work. However, God takes the new seasons of our lives and these new spaces and turns them into sacred places. Where two or three are gathered in MY Name, (even over Zoom) HE IS THERE AMONGST US!

A few months later beginning in 2021 as 12 people gather to pray, via zoom, in the comforts of our homes albeit some weren’t visible in the camera frame… I couldn’t help but think what is God calling for these 12 disciples to be? How has gathering enhanced our journey with God ? How has the sharing of God’s Word by Maurice, the leader, helped to cement our walk with God in these days, bringing encouragement and peace to our anxious hearts.

Verna says, ” It causes me that no matter how busy or how tired I feel when I wake up in the morning, my heart and soul is longing for the time I’m going to set apart to sit at Jesus feet on Zoom with my brothers and sisters in Christ to bring the cares and concerns of others to my Heavenly Father, no sweeter place that I would rather be. “

Bonnie and Denton – ” It has strengthened our Christian Faith. It has a been a Blessing to see our church brothers and sisters. It helps us go thru the storms. It had helped with dealing about Covid. We have a lot of Blessings to be thankful because we have the Holy Spirit watching over us. Amen.”

“It’s a beautiful reminder that other spaces can be a God blessed tool to bring 12 disciples together although in separate homes all together under the name of Jesus. These are moments where everyone can be included. That’s sacred moments in God’s presence”, says Major Donette. This is now the new space that God has opened, and we will continue to meet in this way post Covid.
This past week, through Zoom, we were able to sing and worship together when Maurice got out his old 1960’s vintage accordion and Major Ken got on the piano. We all sang together “Because HE lives, I can face Tomorrow!”

We would love to have you join this group on Mondays at 7 PM to share in a time of gathering, connection, devotions and prayer by downloading Zoom and using the Meeting ID 94169945474 with the password prayer .

Behold God is doing a new thing!!!!

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