If there was ever a time that the old adage “the Church is not a building” rings true, it’s now. In most cases, no one in any congregation is even allowed into their church building because of work-at-home mandates and social distancing. It’s helpful to remember that Christians before us were dispersed because of persecution, resulting in the spread of the Gospel everywhere. Our current forced dispersion will awaken the church to new ways to share God’s love. Unbelievably this is the church’s moment to shine. Now some may disagree with that however the connection on-line has grown everywhere – We have had to use every means possible to share the Good News and meet needs innovatively. One may say, “it’s not like it used to be” rightfully so and it won’t be. It can’t be. If so we will be closing the door on mission and ministry. We would be effectively wrapping up all we have learned in these Covid days, popping it on a shelf never to be visited again. In reading Commissioner Phil Needhams Book – Christ at the Door he says,
“The mission of our Corps ( church) and every Salvationist (Christian) is to live our holiness in the world…..
It is in the sharing of the mission that we discover Christ. In this new day, Christ invites us out…to live with him in mission. It doesn’t say that it is about our preferences , it says live out the mission . This mission can be lived out without being in a church building and we can effectively put mission over preferences. With limited experience and challenging days, mental fatigue, and weariness the navigation of this season utilizes tools, and we learn to adapt being stretched beyond our comfort zones to do new things. We wrestle with how to connect with people in a more intimate and interactive way that doesn’t involve a building or a meeting space. And in so doing we are invited to reclaim the calling that God has placed on our hearts as missional disciples of Jesus. So, as we navigate moving forward what does that say for Gods Children as the Church. What is it that God is calling us to be? How does He want us to think going forward? I believe God is saying friends, it’s not about a building, but it’s about being the church in the community, being the change that people need to see and in so doing putting His mission first over our preferences.