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The doorbell rang last week, and outside was a wee little guy, masked, holding a bag of food. He said, “These are for you” with the most precious masked grin. I got down, Mask to Mask, so I could look him in the eyes and I asked him what was in the bag. He began to tell me. I noticed there were bear paws, so I asked, “Do you like Bear Paws as a treat”? He said, “Yes. I then told him that he was helping provide a treat for another little girl or boy and his grin got even bigger knowing that he was helping.

A week later the same little boy rang the doorbell on his way to his Kindergarten class. I opened the door, and he opened his bag for me to see. In his little kindergarten voice he said, “Look, more Bear Paws”! He couldn’t see the tear streaming down my face as I looked in the bag and there for 4 or 5 boxes of Bear Paws. He said, “See, I brought more treats”!

Oh, to have a heart of a child this Christmas season and always. Lets celebrate the “Bear Paws” that recognize giving this Christmas.

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