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Christmas, it brings out the best in people, and it brings out the worse. I wonder which inner Grinch is creeping out in our lives. We probably all been around people from both persuasions.

This year with the added anxiety, fear, emotions, grief, change [insert your feelings here] and needed COVID Protocols that inner Grinch can be creeping out more or else our hearts can grown three times larger. The choice is really ours.

“Everyone down in Who-ville liked Christmas a lot…But the Grinch, who lived just north of Who-ville did not! The Grinch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season! Now, please don’t ask why . No one inquired the reason. It could be his head wasn’t screwed on just right. It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight. But I think that the most likely reason of all may have been that his heart was two sizes too small.”

Stealing Christmas is more than just filling our pockets, or taking gifts from someone else’s car. We steal Christmas when we get caught up in “other things” rather than the True Meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. Those “other things” become the central focus of our celebration. Fund Raising, Frosty, Santa, Reindeer and sleighs can point to the Christ of Christmas or they can steal it away, it is all in how we present it. In Jesus’ day, on the day of His birth, a census stole away the purpose of that day, and so it continues to happen in ours as well, the trivial taking the place of what is most important. When this happens Christmas becomes a “Celebration of Frustration” rather than the Celebration of Jesus Birth.

The Grinch misunderstood Christmas. In fact, he decided to steal away all their presents including the food. I wondered have we misunderstood Christmas and will we allow COVID 19 to bring us back to keeping it simple and to change our inner Grinch to embracing a simple Christmas. When I reflect I am sensing that just maybe we have misunderstood Christmas. Have we gotten so busy with collection of money, decorations, presents….. [ insert your inner Grinches here] that The true meaning of Christmas has been replaced with Santa and yes even elf on the shelf.

Does the star light the way to the these inner grinches or does it light the way to Jesus in the manger?

Do these inner grinches sometime creep out? I admit they do and they have in my life. Why not replace these inner Grinch feelings with a place where we can come an adore the Christ of Christmas and embrace Christmas.

Christmas is not always lost in the throngs of the crowd, no, Christmas can be found through the heart of our God.

Jesus came to earth, to show us the way, found as a child in a stable amidst the straw and the hay.

The Grinch who stole Christmas learned something that day. He learned that Christmas was something beyond what was in his sleigh.

Christmas is found in the heart of a child, Christmas is found outside of the mall.

Wise men and shepherds and angels found out. Christmas is found in Christ, King of all.

So watch how you celebrate, enjoy all you can, but remember this Christmas to pay homage to Jesus, the Lamb.

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