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Adult Peer Pressure

The sights and sounds of summer are alive and well. Donette and I have always identified different sounds that announce that summer is here such as the dribbling of the basketball in a driveway. Children playing and splashing and wanting to stay outside till dark to play.

There is one sound in the summer that we refer to as “Adult Peer Pressure”. You guessed it, it’s the sound of neighborhood lawn mowers — that ultimate pressure that forces one to mow the grass so that the neighborhood remains nice and pretty and everyone’s grass looks the same. We live on beautiful corner lot so, for me, its about 4-5 KMs of walking to mow the entire property…Back Yard and Front Yard. Mowing the lawn consists of approximately 7,000 steps…trust me…I’ve measured it!! When I hear the sounds of the neighborhood “Adult Peer Pressure”, I realize that I have to get the lawn mower out and get my walking shoes on.

Peer pressure runs much deeper than the start of a lawn mower. It is the influence that one person has to influence another group to do what is required. Peer pressure a can be  both positive and negative. The Bible never mentions the actual term peer pressure, but it does in Romans 12:2….Daniel was thrown into the lions den. I’m sure he must have felt pressure after all it was a lion.

Peer pressure comes from all side’s sometimes we bring it on ourselves.  The best part of having God on your side is that He is with us in the peer pressure. He says to us…”Fear not for I am with you ; be not dismayed for I am your God, I will help you and I will uphold you with my righteous hand.”

So whatever peer pressure is in your life right this very minute Gods got you!

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