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Life Can Be a Hard Paddle

Nonquon river was alive with summer greens, mildly milky coloured water with a river that was waiting to be explored. Ken and I embarked with dinner on the back of the kayak  excited to be padding again.

Nonquon River leads into Lake Scugog and it was calling our names. This paddle looked easy enough as I leisurely observed nature and the beauty it has to offer. The sounds of birds, the swish of the paddle that easily  glided through the fauna as I endeavoured to reach the mouth of Lake Scugog.

An hour later it was time to turn around and head back to the launching point. In the turning around or the changing of course we soon discovered that the swish of the paddle was going to be far more difficult. The Nonquon river atmosphere had changed. The water current was strong, the wind draft was against us, and it even seemed that the lily pads and underwater growth had gotten ten times bigger than it actually was. It was a struggle as my arms started to faint under the hard paddle strokes. My heart leaped with excitement as the kayak passed each cottage knowing that I was one paddle closer to the destination.

Sometimes life is like that. It can change so rapidly as I quickly adapt to the new surroundings and challenges. I can feel that every wind draft is against me as the water seemingly rises  as I walk this journey of life. Life continues to change and I continue to adapt. Sometimes the paddling is hard and I can meet lots of ‘underwater growth” that can inhibit my  journey.

The Bible says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”

This pathway, this journey we call life may take me on undiscovered waters with many a wind draft and changes in current and course. Yet, I can be strong and work through the hard paddles of life and find fulfillment in the journey.

I did make it back to the launching point. And yes I did collapse on the shoreline.

I will wait for the next wind draft and do it all over again cause God is watching over me through the journey.

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