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What are some of your favorite love songs?

Love me tender Love me sweet…

Let me call you sweetheart…

I’m sure others come to my mind and you find yourself humming the tune. One of my favorite love songs is the song that Ken sang to me at on our Wedding Day…our song is, “Unforgettable” by Nat King Cole. It’s been “our song” for many years now!

As Valentine’s Day draws near, I always go back to my childhood days of buying a roll of love hearts and sharing them with my friends. The sensation of the Rocket Candies melting into a pool of sugar was so tasty. Today I still search out the Rockets in February and can’t help myself wanting to experience the love of that sugar rush. I even eating some while I write this. (Don’t tell anyone LOL!) I am draw again to the little sayings, true love, marry me, I love you, love, be mine, my friend, Be My Valentine.

Although we may not be able to share physically a Love Heart Candy with you, Ken and I want to assure you that, today, our hearts reach out to share a virtual love heart with you and to say that Gods love heart is in His Word, “I have loved you with an everlasting love”. So, today, spread love hearts everyone and share the love. And, if you happen to see a package of love hearts, treat yourself and spend a few minutes savoring that sweet taste.

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