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Just Ask Zacchaeus

Have you ever had a very important deadline? You knew there was something coming at work or at home where you had a lot to do to get ready. There were preparations to be made, there was work to be done! Add to it that it is the most significant event you have ever participated in, your job is on the line, or your family needs this to go thru without a hitch. Stressful… fearful…
Then maybe you can relate in a tiny way to this scene in the life of Christ. He was on the verge of His master plan. Since the foundation of the world, this had been God’s plan to redeem his fallen children. What a majestic, wondrous, terrible path – the path to Calvary.
Imagine the story with me. Jesus is making his way to Jerusalem. He knew what awaited him there, he knew he was going to be received royally, then in a matter of days, he would be crucified and murdered. He understood this was God’s master plan to offer salvation to the world – the way of escape for you and me – dying on the cross, bearing our sins, rising from the dead and securing the victory! Jesus was just passing through. Point A to Point B took the Lord through a town called Jericho. It was a footnote for the trip to Jerusalem.
  The Zacchaeus story is a cute passage about a resourceful short man who found a way to see Jesus. He climbed that sycamore tree, and waited and watched. He wanted to see Jesus – He wanted to be a part of this big scene – I’m sure it was not every day that something this big happened in Jericho! Jesus and his followers would be passing through. The folks had heard of Jesus in Jericho – this miracle worker… prophet… King.
  You know the story, Jesus came by – stopped right at Zacchaeus – and said ‘come down – I want to stay with you a while at your house today.’….. and he did.
”So he came down at once and welcomed Him gladly”
Like it or not, Jesus was going to fulfill His mission. His way. On His terms.
Jericho – just a little stop on the way – but Jesus saw the ministry opportunity. The disciples likely didn’t understand – we’ve got to get to Jerusalem! We need to hurry through this little town. But this town had people, it had lost souls, it had Zacchaeus. – ready for the gospel.
Are you open to God’s moving in the insignificant areas of your life. It’s just a short stop on the way to my important goal today, but God may have work to be done here. It’s just a routine thing in my life that I do every day – but God may have someone in your path that He wants to reach. Let’s open our eyes – what is insignificant to us may be significant to God.
Jesus was a busy man – on the way to Jerusalem. He had a very big job ahead, a very important task to fulfull – the cross. He had lots of responsibilities – followers, his disciples. But He stopped, spent time with Z. He knew Z. needed Him. He knew he was ready. And Jesus took the time to impact his life forever.  Many were offended by his actions. Jesus did not respond, did not explain himself, He just went.
Isn’t it clear that Jesus loves the lost, the sinner, the one in need of salvation. So much so that He was willing to risk his reputation with the religious community.
I wonder how much Jesus would offend you if he were here today, fulfilling His plan, loving on the lost, being Jesus in your world? Would you be offended by where He went, who He hung out with?
We need godly conviction, we need to stand out and be apart from the lost world. We need to shine our light like a city on a hill. But so many get so caught up in their little set of rules, they staunchly stand by them, and they think they are doing something special.
But it seems that Jesus didn’t really care too much what the self-righteous thought. He cared about reaching a lost world, about what was most important, about transparent, loving, real religion – not external white-washed self-righteous piety.
You and I would say – the mission is in Jerusalem, not Jericho. We’re on a deadline, we need to be moving on… people are waiting, they’ll welcome you with palm branches and hosannah’s. Your mission is big – to go to the cross and purchase our salvation! Let’s not get bogged down in Jericho!
Jesus’ mind was on His mission, never doubt. His mission is big enough for the whole world, for He did die on the cross for all who will accept Him. But His mission was not too big to care for one little soul, in a little insignificant town that he was passing through. And Jesus always takes the time to love you and minister to you, and offer you forgiveness and to offer you a new life. Yes you, little you in this little place in this little town. He loves you that much.
Just ask Zacchaeus.
You can read the full story from Luke  19:1-10

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