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How to leave a gift in your will to The Salvation Army

Leaving a bequest to The Salvation Army is the simplest way to create a legacy of everlasting hope.

Writing or changing your will is not an overwhelming task. Everyone should have a will and update it on a regular basis. To ensure that you have a valid will, we strongly recommend that you use the services of a legal professional.

To include a bequest to The Salvation Army you will need to legal name and address:

The Governing Council of The Salvation Army in Canada
2 Overlea Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario M4H 1P4

Charitable Registration No. 107951618 RR0001

Sample Bequest Clauses:

To leave a specified percentage of the residue of your estate:
“I give to The Governing Council of The Salvation Army in Canada, 2 Overlea Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario M4H 1P4, all (or _____%) of the residue of my estate.”

To leave a specific dollar amount:
“I give to The Governing Council of The Salvation Army in Canada, 2 Overlea Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario M4H 1P4, the sum of $_________ .”

If you wish to designate your gift to benefit a specific location, social service, or church ministry then you should add:
“It is my preference that this gift be used for _______________”  (Whitby Salvation Army Community Church…if that is your wish)

Other ways to Leave a Legacy Gift

Gifts of Life Insurance, Beneficial interest in RRSPs, RRIFs, Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) and Securities, can all help support The Salvation Army. We’d be happy to talk with you if you want more information about these options.

We’d love to hear from you if you make a legacy commitment.

Please email us at Or, call us at 1-855-546-5556.

The Salvation Army is sincerely grateful for the generosity of its donors and the fine work of executors and professionals who honour the donors wishes and ensure the gift is passed on. The Salvation Army has centralized the processing of all estates at its national office.

How to contact us:

The Salvation Army — Estates Department
2 Overlea Blvd
Toronto ON M4H 1P4


Our legal name for Estate Gifts is:
The Governing Council of The Salvation Army in Canada

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